Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution.

Like our American Revolution, Russia also had their own revolution except they had more of their own people involved, and many people were killed. The people that were involve in this revolution was the Czar, but after he died, he was replaced by the Provisional government. They were going against the Bolshevik, known as the Communist Party, and they also became the new government of Russia, since the other government lost in the Russian revolution.

The Russians had these revolution because the Communist wanted to take over Russia and its government. They believed that they should be one government where everything is fair and everyone gets the same amount of rewards of money. The idea came from Karl Marx, also he made the idea of socialism. From there VLadimir Lenin, became the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution. After he died, he passed the Bolshevik Revolution leader to Joseph Stalin. They had this motto " Peace, land, and Bread " and it meant the majority. It basically expressed the idea of the Bolsheviks. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Causes of WWI.

World War I occurred during 1914-18. It was a violent war between many European countries, like Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Scots, and more, and also got the United States involved. There were many causes of this war. Mainly because of Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, and the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the collapse of the alliance.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in June 1914 by the Serbian black hand. Austria- Hungary's people's reaction to the death of their emperor were outrageous and they basically blamed the Serbians. That's how the Russians got involved. The Germany allied Austria- Hungary and declared war on Russia. France allied with the Russians and soon, Great Britain also joined them. They were called the Triple Entente. The Germans, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were called the Triple Alliance.

Also, another cause of the war is nationalism and militarism. Most people had many pride in their countries. They believed that they're the best nation out there and they see the other nations negatively. Same with Militarism, they believed that the government or the people of that country should have a strong military. It also came from the Imperialism.