Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo .

During the Middle Ages, there were many theories about the Scientific things and also religion, and a whole bunch of stuff. But it was mainly about the Scientific knowledge Vs. the Catholic Church. There was two theories about geocentric and heliocentric. Heliocentric is about how the sun is the center of the universe and geocentric is a theory about the opposite. Geocentric was how the earth was the center and the other planets were around it.

The theory that came first was the heliocentric was found by Copernicus, around the early 1500's, but was restricted because of the Catholic church. I think the correct theory is the heliocentric, the sun is the one centering us. Since most of these events came from the Renaissance Both came out the scientific revolution. There was many new ideas during this age. Like inventions, teachings and even beliefs. That's where religion kicks in and didnt like the scientific teachings.

The trial of Galileo was about the the Scientific Knowledge vs. the Catholic church. He was put on trial because of what his theory and what he believed him. The Catholic church obviously didn't like his idea for many reasons. They didn't want his theory to overtake the society at that time. Most people are starting convert and it was all a mess in that society. Many arrests was taken place.

Galileo Galilei was a scientist who studied a lot about the solar system and he wanted to teach it publicly, and the Pope Urban VIII totally disagreed with it and had him arrested till death. But a few years later, the Pope John II agreed with Galileo's idea and said it was wrong of putting him on arrest. They had proof that the earth wasnt the center of the universe and Galileo was correct.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution : The Scientific Method .

A scientific method is a helpful technique that can help you answer your question by using knowledgeable guess. Basically you're trying to gain information. There are 7 steps in the scientific method. First things first, you ask a question. Then you try information about it and you figure out the hypothesis, which means an educational guess. After you find information, you try it if it works out and if that can be the answer to your question.  In the end you make a conclusion and you share your answer.

An example of a scientific method can be about Evolution and Creationism or even just a simple question you want to know. You can ask how we came from apes and how we all evolved through time. And you can do the same question with creationism. You can also compare and contrast after you get the results. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation.

For Global history 3, we are learning about the evolution and creation. Before I pick what I believe in. I want to explain and talk about these two topics people are still arguing about. Evolution was founded by Charles Darwin, who is a naturalist. His theory was about humans and animals evolving. 

It started when he went to an island called Galapagos island. He believed in natural selection and also believed that each generation evolve to the next evolution and their self- image changes through time. Now, Creation is a whole different story. Creationism is based on religion and mostly has to do with God. And evolution is based on science. 

In creationism, God created man and woman , then produced more people. Unlike evolution, we came from one species and evolved through time. I honestly would pick Creationism because I believe in it even though the Evolution makes sense in a way. But I believe in the Bible . :) thats all .