Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Film Lesson: " Night and Fog "

In class, since we're doing World War II now, we are learning about the Holocaust, because it was a big part of the war in Europe. It was a devastating thing that happened. Many people died because of their race. Mainly, because they were Jews.  But also many minorities were killed, like Gypsies, prisoners of war, the disabled or ill, homosexuals, and etc. It was the biggest genocide in the world. The movie "Night and Fog" is about a documentary about the  Holocaust and what happened in the concentration camps and the life living there. They had images of the inmates and all the cruel things they've used to kill the Jews and other races that Hitler thought they were 'Superior' of. The Nazis would torture them or just kill them just for fun. In the movie, they showed footage and they talked about how they would experiment them on what humans can handle. When I saw this movie, I was horrified and disgusted that Hitler and Nazis would kill innocent people because of their race and supposedly, the Nazis were just following orders. But not only that, but also on how they put these people in pain. Also for the past few days, we also watched another Holocaust film. It was called " The Schindlers List ". But that movie was a Hollywood movie, and they re-in acted the events that really happened to people during that time. So when they shot Night and Fog, it was 10 years after the war and the people were in the camp were liberated. This documentary did move me in some way, but Schindlers list moved me more because it was about how a Nazi saved 1100 Jews because they put them in labor. I think this whole Holocaust event moved me in a way that racism and war can turn people evil.