Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

During the years, the African people didn't have their own independence. Africa was taken over by many European countries. They were trying to convert them to their religion or either how they act also.  They were also trying to change their society. Some Europeans were cruel and they turned them to slaves. Most of them at least. After World War II, many countries were seeking for independence in their countries, but also the European countries were ready to transfer to government to the government people. 

It took a while for African and its countries to gain independence by European rule. Of course, Ethiopia became its own country. It was the only country in Africa that was not under European rule. There was this Negritude Movement, where Africans around the world, celebrate their own culture, heritage, and values. Kwame Nkrumah was one of the non-violent protests leaders. Jomo Kenyatta, Mau Mau, Zaire Again, were one of the strong leaders that helped gained their African country gain independence.